Larimar, known as the "Stone of Tranquility," is associated with the Throat Chakra and embodies the serene qualities of the ocean and sky with its tranquil blue color. It promotes peacefulness, clarity, and self-expression, making it a valuable stone for those seeking inner peace and authenticity. With its potent healing properties, Larimar nurtures emotional healing and promotes a feeling of calm and self-expression. Experience the holistic benefits of Larimar, which can aid in throat, chest, and lung health, while also decreasing stress and encouraging relaxation. Emotionally, it instills serenity, reduces anxiety, and fosters self-acceptance. Spiritually, it promotes spiritual growth and enhances meditation, connecting with the divine feminine. In interpersonal relationships, it facilitates clear communication and encourages emotional expression, fostering harmonious connections.
Mohs Hardness: 4.5 - 5
Alternate Names: Dolphin Stone, Atlantis Stone
Origin: Dominican Republic
Associated Chakra: Throat (5th)
Birthstone: None