Yellow Mookaite
Yellow Mookaite
Yellow Mookaite, also known as the "Stone of Adventure," resonates with the Root and Solar Plexus Chakras. Its vivid hues of red, yellow, and purple represent vitality, bravery, and adaptability. This stone encourages embarking on new journeys, facing obstacles with courage, and embracing change. In addition to its motivational and strengthening properties, Yellow Mookaite has a holistic effect on the mind, body, and spirit. It can boost immunity, aid digestion, and promote physical wellbeing. Emotionally, it fosters a sense of purpose, reduces fear of change, and instills confidence. Spiritually, it facilitates growth and grounding, while attracting adventure and bravery, making it a valuable tool for navigating life's challenges.
Mohs Hardness: 6 - 7
Alternate Names: Mookaite Jasper
Origin: Australia
Associated Chakra: Root (1st) & Solar Plexus (3rd)
Birthstone: None